
June 2024 News Brief

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June 2024 News Brief for Landmark Abstract.  The orange text is place on a background of a blue sky and pink flowers.

Welcome to our June 2024 News Brief!

Yikes! The year is almost half over. How wild is that? Still, it’s time for your June 2024 News Brief to catch you up on the latest in what’s happening in the real estate world.

Firstly, we found all of these articles and very timely, especially the third article in the “Residential Sector” section. Consumers, read it and learn! Real estate agents and bankers: make sure your clients are educated about title insurance. Share this blog post with them!

Secondly, click on the image below to be taken to the full News Brief, or you can download it directly here.

June 2024 News Brief

Landmark Abstract June 2024 News Brief image.  Click on it to be taken to the full PDF.

New Brief Bonus: No excuses when it comes to title insurance!

Honestly, there are NO GOOD REASONS for not getting title insurance when purchasing property. Watch our short video below and learn why.

Next, when your done, head over to our related blog post to see what other excuses people come up with against getting title insurance.

Oh, if you have question, contact us and we can set you straight and help you out.

Up Next on the News Brief: Follow Us!

Additionally, we want to share where you can find us on social media! Click on the social channel you want to follow us on and go from there! Pick and choose. We’d like if you’d do them all.

Sign up for our newsletter, while you’re at it!

News Brief Wrap Up

Lastly, that’s our June 2024 News Brief blog post! As always, we hope you learned something new. Have a great June, and we will see you in July for our next News Brief.

Enjoy you summer!

Learn More!

Here, discover more of our great article here on our blog. Start with the list below.

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