
August 2024 News Brief

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Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Landmark Abstract's August 2024 News Brief.  Looking down on a tropical beach with a topical flower border on the left hand side.

Welcome to our News Brief!

Firstly, welcome to our August 2024 News Brief blog post! Hey, there is STILL plenty of summer left to have fun, right? Otherwise, while you relax, we have the latest article about residential and commercial real estate. Really, we’ve given you ready material while you relax on the beach.

Additionally, you can click on the link below to download the news brief directly, or you can click on the preview image below.

Click here to be taken directly to the August 2024 News Brief.

August 2024 News Brief

Image of the Aug 2024 news brief.  Click on the Image to be taken to the full pdf with clickable links.

August News Brief Bonus: Video to Share with Clients

Secondly, we understand getting a mortgage can be confusing, and there are a lot of terms that prospective buyers may not understand. Next, share this video to familiarize them with 5 of common mortgage terms.

Read our accompanying blog post here, too.

News Brief Social Share

Thirdly, we want you to follow us on social media! Click on the image of the platform of your choice to get started!

Facebook Group

Also, we started a Facebook group to share our collective experiences with the settlement process. We want to be a place where people who are navigating the settlement process can get a better understanding of what to expect. Check it out!

News Brief Newsletter Sign Up!

Here, sign up for our newsletter, while you’re at it, and get our news brief directly in your inbox.

News Brief Wrap Up

To conclude, that’s our latest news brief blog post, and we hope you learned something new. We look forward to seeing you in September for our next edition. Finally, enjoy the rest of the your summer!

When we see you again, the kids will probably be back in school. Have some fun before then!

Read More!

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